
How To Set Up A Hookup On Tinder

How to Hookup on Tinder (A Woman's Perspective)

If you're late to the game, dating is at present all about swiping.

Left for no, correct for yes.

And that's it.

Y'all're on your fashion to hookup on Tinder in the time it'll accept you lot to do 5 + seven / 12 in your head.

As a female, I'm going to share with y'all the hole-and-corner tips to get laid on Tinder.

  • How Tinder is Unlike for Girls Vs Guys

  • Your Tinder Photos

  • What Good Tinder Hookup Pictures Wait Like

  • Your Bio

  • The Opening Message

How Tinder is Unlike for Girls Vs Guys

For about guys, Hooking Up Tinder is a constant game of swiping correct to see who he'll friction match.

For girls, Tinder is a minefield of dodging douches, dick pics, and downright bad pick-upwardly lines.

So, what is information technology that makes a Tinder profile swipeable? Or a chat tolerable? (At least for a woman)?

I dared to enter the male mindset of "e'er swipe right" to help y'all up your game... and to avoid these moves, which are just downright lame.

I ended upwards the day with 30 new matches and 27 new letters.

Jesus Christ. Merely way too much of everything.

From pictures to openers, hither's what yous should know not to do, and how to fix it.

Your Tinder Photos

My option is lxx% reliant on your pictures.

There'south a few habits I've noticed a lot of guys practice that need to be stopped… Like yesterday.

The Shirtless "Cassanova"

Example of a bad shirtless Tinder photo

MEN. Unless you're standing on top of a mountain or fishing or doing an activity… Put your shirts dorsum on.

I don't care how overnice your 6-pack is.

If your profile has a picture of yous continuing in the bathroom/bedchamber/gym mirror showing off your stomach, y'all're probably a douche and I'g going to swipe left.

This also applies to pictures of your crotch. I equally don't want to come across that either.

Mr. Popular

Do not put multiple pictures with the same daughter in them.

I know she's either your sis or your girlfriend, but I'grand 100% going to presume that she'southward your girlfriend.

It seems similar a bully strategy for online dating, but it but... doesn't work.

This is the same for Bumble, OkCupid, Coffee Meets Bagel, or otherwise.

And I'm 100% going to swipe left.

Now if you lot are in a relationship and y'all're both using Tinder, make sure the profile makes that explicitly articulate.

The 1 Trick Pony

If I took half dozen of the same photos, inside 5 minutes, and stuck them on my profile, you lot'd notwithstanding probably swipe correct…

But, yous'd accept no idea what to talk well-nigh beyond maxim "hey."

Just like your bio, your Tinder photos give me an opportunity to see what your personality is nigh.

Your interests. Your ambitions.

Brand certain you're posting diverse pictures, so I tin option it up with some data near yous, and enquire y'all about it. I promise I'll practise the same.

What Expert Tinder Hookup Pictures Await Like

Instead of shirtless selfies, endeavor to have pictures on your Tinder of you lot out with friends or partaking in your favorite activities.

Selfies tin be okay, just brand certain you're put together and looking fashionable with your haircut.

It'southward of import that you understand the departure between your looks and your physique.

Sure, you can't control looks but you can command your mode, hygiene, and physical fitness.

And those are the things that thing to me.

Do non await like a slob, and don't try the male duck face.

That makes me uncomfortable on then many levels no matter how adept your text game is.

The more than we see about you, the more than we're going to be able to talk to y'all nigh.

Pro-tip: Girls love puppies and babies (as long as they aren't yours).

Especially if y'all're a tough-looking guy who could use a little cuteness.

Attempt for a cute pic with your pet or a friend's puppy for bonus conversation points.

Your Bio

The other 30% of my determination to swipe or not is based on what'due south beneath your photos: your bio.

Always err on the side of shortness, keeping information technology punchy and reflective of your sense of humor.

If y'all want to Hookup on Tinder with me, yous're going to need to stand up out.

My profile: "Born in London, raised in CT. I similar books. And no, I don't accept an accent."

It's brusk and to the point.

Merely it shows something nigh me (and makes for a great tinder chat starter).

Your profile should be the same: give me some quick information virtually yourself, in a fun fashion.

There are a few guys, which I will never swipe right for.

  1. An empty bio… Like, come. On. You've gotta give me something. Even the Tinder VP Rosette Pambakian says that's a huge trouble.

  2. If you have "I'thousand the nice guy" or "not a fuckboy" anywhere in your contour. 9/10, if you say you're a nice guy or non a fuck male child… Yous're a fuckboy. This may not exist true, only bear witness me you lot're ane… don't tell me.

  3. You have an essay in your profile and none of it'southward interesting.

The Opening Message

Hey. What'south up? Hello.

I'm not a Trap Queen and y'all're not Fetty Wap, so you should be using a better opener than that, or y'all're going to exist ignored.

The overwhelming majority of guys who messaged me started the conversations with some variation of "hey."

And that's too bad because I want to hook up on tinder just equally much as yous.

But equally a adult female, I've got all the cards, then yous're going to bear witness me yous're worth my fourth dimension more than my other 20 matches.

As information technology turns out, that' really not too hard...

Stop being boring

Think exterior of the lines to come up upwardly with an opener that's going to make me want to talk to y'all… non unmatch you lot.

There are a few types that I've plant e'er take hold of my attention:

The Cheesy Opening Message

Screenshot of a Cheesy Tinder Pickup Line

While most of the fourth dimension I roll my optics at the cheesy choice-upward line; they catch my attending (and they work) if they're actually funny or creative… like this one. Be careful non to use cliché ones, and not to make any immediate references to your packet.

The Ironic Opener

Opening Message on Tinder

Peradventure it's just my personal manner, simply I honey the guys who call attending to the ironies of Tinder.

In this ane message, this guy has made the polish transition from grabbing my attention to an bodily conversation… all in ane message.

A girl loves her sarcasm, almost as much as boys honey their Netflix and chill.

Using a Gif for your Beginning Message

Using a GIF in a Tinder Message

I'm a sucker for well-placed GIFs; particularly ones with seals. Opening with a GIF is a swell style to catch my attending or to reveal a love of a bear witness. For example, I always like sending dorsum Andy Dwyer greeting GIFs because of my love of Parks and Rec.

Having said this, just make sure not to apply the first GIF you discover…. I got this seal from four different guys; modify information technology up to an image that means something to you; or that she can talk to you off of.

The Tease

Flirty Tinder Message

It's great when guys take info from my profile to talk to me. This opening leaves the opportunity for a nifty chat about what rival teams he likes, some playful banter, which tin lead to more about me and less nearly my sports interests.

These should get you started, but nosotros also have more than tinder openers you lot can use.

Check them out if yous however need more ideas on how to impress me.

Make your profile worth the hookup

Through this commodity, yous've seen what makes a guy's Tinder profile worth the hookup.

Y'all need to accept your profile put together in a way that is seriously heady.

And I've shown you plenty of examples of profiles that don't meet the cut.

You might be wondering what a smashing Tinder profile looks similar.

So you can hook upwards on Tinder tonight.

To help with this, I created a free guide which you can watch below.

That volition bear witness you how to edit your photos to exist 23% more attractive.

Only using your phone!

Click "watch at present" to see it - it's totally free.

More Tinder Conversations Communication:

Marc Falzon

Marc is the founder of Zirby: the Tinder advice blog with millions of readers a year. Uncover your inner conviction and experience a fulfilling dating life. Follow Marc on YouTube or Instagram.


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