Modify your Google app settings

You can change your settings for the Google app, including settings for voice search, past searches, SafeSearch, and notifications. Some Google app settings are based on your device settings, like dark theme.

Open the settings menu

Settings you can change


  • Autocomplete with trending searches: Choose whether you want to get trending searches when using the Google app.
  • Google Translate: When you turn on Google Translate, the Google app volition offer to interpret pages written in other languages using Google Interpret.
  • Discover: Get stories related to your interests in the Google app.
  • Search settings: You lot can alter settings like region and language.
    • Personal results: Depending on your other settings, you lot tin get personal results from other products you use, similar Gmail. For example, you can search for data about your upcoming flights or restaurant reservation.
    • Search customization: Turn on to let Google offer you lot more relevant recommendations and results based on your searches when you're signed out.
    • Region for Search Results: Choose a region for search results.
    • Language for Search Results: Cull a language for search results.
  • Autoplay video previews: Videos could start playing automatically without sound. You tin can plough these autoplay video previews on or off. You can also change when they'll play, like on Wi-Fi or mobile.
  • Siri Shortcuts: Quickly access your favorite Google features, like Search, when yous say "Search with Google" or "Interpret with Lens."
  • Default apps: Choose which apps to use when opening search results.


You can change your notifications for features like weather condition, topics yous follow, or flight updates. Next to a notification, turn the setting on or off. Learn how to change your Google notifications.

Hide explicit results

Personal results

You tin cull to go personal results in Search based on info in your Google Account. Personal results in Search include:

  • Autocomplete predictions from your Search history. Learn how to manage Google autocomplete predictions.
  • Personal answers based on info in your Google Account, like upcoming flights from Gmail. Learn about travel results from Gmail.
  • Recommendations only for you lot based on your activity. These can appear in places like the Discover feed and for queries like "what to sentinel" or "where to eat."

Voice & Assistant

Modify the settings used when you search or complete an action using your voice.

  • Language: The linguistic communication yous pick here works with whatsoever vox searches you lot practice. If you want, this can be unlike from your device's display language.
  • Spoken results: Choose whether answers are spoken dorsum to you when y'all do a search.
  • Voice search on Bluetooth devices: If this setting is on, you lot can do voice searches or actions using a Bluetooth headset, when ane is continued.
  • "Ok Google" hotword: Decide whether saying "Ok Google" will trigger a phonation search from anywhere in the app. The "Ok Google" setting is available only on iPhone 4s+ and iPad ii+ devices.


Important: This feature isn't available in all countries or languages.

On web folio forms, Autofill saves and fills in password and payment info with the information saved to your Google Business relationship. Autofill also saves address information to your device.

To turn Autofill on or off:

  1. Open up the Google app Google Search.
  2. At the top right, tap your Profile motion-picture show or initial and then Settings and then Autofilll.
  3. Tap Autofill with Google.

To manage your info from Autofill, tap Manage addresses, Payment methods or Passwords and then Select the info you want to change or remove.

Tip: With Autofill, you can too create and salvage stiff passwords. When a site asks for a new password, Autofill suggests ane for y'all. To save the password, tap Employ suggested. To create your own, tap Abolish.

Privacy & security



  • Search history: Your on-device Search history is separate from your Search history that'south saved to your Google Account. Learn how to manage your account Search history.
  • App history: If you employ the Google app while you're signed out of your Google Account, the app saves your on-device Search history. Larn how to manage on-device Search history.
    • Yous tin delete the Search history saved on your device. This won't delete your Search history saved on other devices. Learn how to manage on-device Search history.
    • To give y'all more relevant search results and recommendations, Google might utilise searches from the device y'all're on. Larn how to turn off Search customization.
  • Cookies: You can delete your cookies for the Google app from the device you're on. This won't clear cookies on other apps or mobile browsers, similar Chrome or Safari. Acquire how to manage cookies in Chrome.

Google Usage ID

A unique ID is sent with info about your Google Product usage to help amend Google Services for everyone. This ID isn't associated with your Google Account and won't be used to identify you. Tap Reset Google Usage ID.

Enable Face up ID for Incognito mode

Use Confront ID to ostend it'south you when you lot render to an incognito session after 15 minutes.

Diagnostic data

To help the states improve our products and services for everyone, you can allow the Google app send us data most how yous employ it and how it's working.

The Google app can send information like:

  • Data from Google app crashes or other problems
  • What other apps you have on your device
  • Quality and length of your network connections like mobile, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth


Remove your Google Business relationship from the Google app

Important: When yous remove a Google Account from your device, the account is removed from all Google apps and services on your device.

Delete your Google Account

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